Construction of implant

In the past 12 years, I have given about 600 implant treatments for about 430 people.( 2019 in February )

As a result, I feel that although various things are said about the implant treatment,

it is highly recommended!

There are merits thinking from my experience of the implant treatments.

  • Not having to scrape your teeth unnecessarily
  • Not having to settle for dentures so there is no discomfort in eating and talking
  • Get by feeling younger
  • Can stabilize detachable dentures with only one or two implants
  • Appearance of a toothless person is restored back to normal with the implant dentures, not detachable dentures during the day of the implant

One patient’s implant experience story

  • Because occlusion become stable, remaining teeth firm.
  • Increased consciousness to cherish teeth, maintain teeth firmly
  • Stability of occlusion reduces stiff shoulders

Recently I can think that

the implant treatment is a worthy investment !

As far as I know the implant treated in the last 12 years 97% are still in use today.

I think there are two reasons for this high survival rate.

Bite Scanner
  1. I adjust occlusion balance with a special device which is rare in Kyushu. Occlusion becoming balanced the implants will help teeth and teeth help the implant.
  2. We do CT imaging in our hospital and use computer software called “Simplant” and keep in mind so that safe and secure surgery can be performed.

Features of smile dental implant

  1. There are many cases where the implant is implanted at the same time as tooth  extraction.
  2. There are many cases that the temporary denture is able to be set during the day of tooth extraction.
  3. In the early case, the final denture will be set 3 months after tooth extraction.
  4. The unstable total dentures stabilize and bite food on the day when the implant is placed.
  5. I take CT photography and I am keeping my surgery safer.
  6. We can offer from the total amount of 261,000 yen (consumption tax included) until the denture comes in.
  7. We will guarantee the implant body for 10 years, covering 5 years.
  8. In most cases, there is no swelling or pain.
 Because became an old man, some people say that not need an implant, but I think that you hove a right to spend the rest of your precious life comfortably just for the reason that you’ve worked hardy in your life.A

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