Cause of stiff shoulder, adjustment of occlusion is important! !
Please come check once.

I will never let you damage!
It’s been 30 years since becoming a dentist, but recently it has taken considerable time for almost all patients to adjust occlusion.
Because adjustment of occlusion makes a big contribution to human health. To what part, in particular, contribute to “periodontal disease” and “stiff shoulders”.
※There is evidence for periodontal disease’s recovery
In the past 10 years, I got the “skill” of occlusal adjustment.
The poor occlusion brings about the following harm.
Teeth breaking
Teeth chipping
Teeth starts to move (deteriorates periodontal disease)
Tooth jaws ache (Temporomandibular disorder)
Shoulder stiff
Headache, etc.
Adjustment of occlusion keeps a lot of these, and it cures.
Even if occlusion is going wrong, you can understand little on your own.
So, even if they actually receive the adjustment of occlusion, those who are around 10% feel less change as real feeling.
However, about 80% feel the difference and there are many who are moved.
I say what kind of words received on the spot .
“It got lighter”
“The movement got better”
“I feel like hitting the whole”
“My doctor, my life has changed!” Etc

It makes them smile most of the time.
Objectively, the occlusion sound gets lighter.
There are some people who have lost stiff shoulder at a later date.
I will say it again!
I will not make absolute loss!
Smile Dentistry sometimes uses a computer called T-Scan to adjust occlusions to compensate for the inability of the doctor.
Very, very secure.
※ 2000 yen as sensor sheet fee will be charged.
In the end
※I will tell you the simple check method of your teeth occlusion you can do .
Try to sound the upper and lower teeth together by biteing. When the sound is bad, the occlusion is bad. A nice occlusion sounds good like a castanet. Adjusting will make the sound feel clear.
By the way next is the sound of the director’s bite .