2016/7 Smile pillow circumstances of 2016/7  

①240 people in use (made pillows in 20 months)

② The apnea syndrome of 2 people improved

③Those who came with a futon from Kumamoto soon got rid of snoring.

④An 85-year-old woman lost her need for sleeping pills.

⑤What I think in recent research is that pillows are more important than bedding to protect the body. Bedding may be anything as long as it is not too soft. Flooring and tatami mats are cool and great in summer.

⑥It has not recurred 14 months after cervical spondylosis has been cured in 6 months.

⑦My head has not fallen off my pillow while sleeping for the last 20 months

⑧The goodness of falling asleep becomes so good that the stimulation to the body is reduced. Therefore, pillows, knee pillows and arm pillows are very good. The arm pillow is under experiment at night and night. Knee pillows are worn daily for about a year.




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