Miracle complete healing of the plantar aponeurosis. Special thank Dr.Tsujioka in Medipra Jono!

When I was 40, I used to practice for marathon. Because of that, I have made the plantar tendonitis chronic and I have had symptoms until this 62-year-old. Recently I felt pain every time I played tennis and golf, and I ended up dragging my leg the next morning.I checked in various nets and under went extracorporeal shock wave treatment (about 17000 yen with insurance), I took an anti-inflammatory-pain medicine and I used the sole supporter, but it did not improve. I thought it would be fine if I refrained from exercising for half a year. However, I did not want to refrain sports, so I was looking for other possibilities without giving up, but Tsujioka Orthopedics came to mind, which I had visited in the treatment of cervical spondylosis, and thought to have nothing to lose by going there .I visited on September 24 and asked the doctor to inject the medicine directly to my heel. Hijioka injected it warning “It is gonna be quite painful”.Then I felt no pain the next morning. I was surprised, but because the injection also contains an anesthetic component, I was half in doubt yet.Although I did not feel like going to rest for a month, I continued to play tennis and golf, but I did not feel any pain until today. It is a miracle! I am impressed. I am grateful to Dr. Hijioka.


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